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Frequently Asked Questions
Q. What does participating in the study include?
A. For more information, please visit this video.
Q. How long does the study take?
A. From the first assessment to the third and final assessment, study participation lasts approximately 9 months.
Q. What is the compensation for participating?
A. You will be compensated with $150 after completing each of your home-based assessments and online surveys. You will also receive $25 for each recorded session with your early intervention provider.
Q. What kinds of questions will be on the surveys?
A. The surveys will ask you about the skills and behaviors of your child. There are also questions that ask about your experiences as a caregiver.
Q. What assessments will you be doing with my child?
A. A staff member will lead you through different play-based activities. We like to think of these "assessments" as scenes in a two act play. We have different "scenes" where we will give you simple instructions, and you will either sit back while your child plays or interact with your child in different ways. If you would like to learn more, please watch this video.
Q. Why do you need to record me?
A. Recordings of the play based assessment will allow the study team to look at your child's behaviors. Three of your EI sessions will be recorded to give us an understanding of what is covered during your visits.
Q. What is LENA and how does it work?
A. LENA is a recording device we are using to get a better understanding of your child's language environment. To turn it on, you press the power button. Once the screen says "paused", hold the record button until time appears. Place the recorder into the vest.
Q. What if I want to stop participating?
A. That is not a problem! You can withdraw from the study at any time. We would appreciate you letting us know that you would like to withdraw.
Q. I have more questions about the study. Who should I ask?
A. Go to the "Contact Us" page and reach out to your local caregiver liaison.
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